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Benefits of a weight loss meal plan for men

When you are trying to lose weight, you may think at first that you need to cut down on the amount of food you eat, but this isn’t always the case. You may need to address the type of food you’re eating. Your first step on your weight loss journey may be to create an exercise regime to get you moving, but what about your diet? You need to create a weight loss meal plan for men just like you do for exercise, and there is a lot to consider when you are doing this.

You can skip ahead to read what you need help with most:

weight loss meal plan for men

One of the biggest challenges to weight loss is food

Food and your relationship with food can sometimes become unhealthy as it’s an easy and acceptable way to indulge or reward yourself, but this relationship can derail any weight loss plan. If you’re looking to lose weight, you know that what you eat is a key ingredient to succeeding in your goals which is where a healthy weight loss diet for men can help guide you.

More specifically, the way we eat

Being smart about what you eat isn’t the only thing you should consider when laying out your weight loss meal plan for men; thinking about how you eat can also help. If you’re always in a rush and eating on the go without actually paying attention to what you are eating, it can be easier to slip into unhealthy eating habits.

Being more mindful and conscious of what you’re eating means you’re more likely to choose healthier options. Choosing fresh, clean and healthy foods over the high fat, often high sugar, and high salt containing fast or pre-prepared foods is a first step to getting on track with losing weight.

A weight loss meal plan is the key to a healthy body

It’s easy to choose something fast and often unhealthy when you’re busy and trying to juggle multiple things. With so much going on, the idea of sitting down and writing out a weight loss meal plan for men seems like too much effort, which is why most people don’t do it.

But there are huge advantages of meal planning and it doesn’t need to be a daunting or overwhelming task, but if you don’t do it, you’re unlikely to hit any of your weight loss goals because, without a plan, it’s easier to fall off the weight-loss wagon. There are so many options out there to help create a simple weight loss meal plan for men, or there are weight loss meal plan delivery services.

Another option is The Healthy Man 28 Day Fitness Challenge eBook which includes a weight loss meal plan for men with multiple healthy, family-friendly, budget-friendly recipes to choose from.

weight loss meal plan for men
Photo by Bich Tran from Pexels

What is the purpose of a meal plan?

We at The Healthy Man are big fans of meal prep and planning ahead to help make mealtimes (and life) easier. We’re all busy and don’t always have time every day to shop, plan and prepare a healthy, nutritious meal for ourselves or our family, which is why planning ahead and even prepping ahead is important to help you get through the week.

If you don’t prepare a weight loss meal plan for men, things like stress, time limitations, cost and the general hustle and bustle of everyday family life can lead you to choose a meal that takes no time or thought to prepare, which can often be an unhealthy option. Create a simple weight loss meal plan for yourself and your family and place it where you see it every day to keep you on track.

Another benefit of planning ahead when it comes to meals is that you are unlikely to buy food you don’t need when you plan out your meals, which means you save money and stay healthy.

Most meal plans are not personal

Creating a weight loss meal plan for men, you need to remember that your likes, needs and goals are unique to you, which means just grabbing a 30-day meal plan for weight loss from a random website may not suit you. These plans are not personalised to your wants, needs, and goals, so are unlikely to help you meet your goals.

The best way to use a weight loss meal plan to help you reach your weight loss goals is to make sure that it is personalised and customised to your and your families personal needs. One of the benefits of The Healthy Man 28 Day Fitness Challenge eBook is that our 7-day weight loss meal plan for men is customisable for you and your families needs.

How to find a weight loss meal plan for men that works for you?

Making sure you have a weight loss meal plan for men that will help you achieve your weight loss goals is the key to your weight loss success. But how do you find a weight loss meal plan that will work for you?

Like anything, you need to first know your goals before you plan for your own success. Once you have your goals, you can then plan what will help you achieve them. There are many other things to consider when creating your weight loss diet for men, including the nutritional needs, food preferences and allergies or sensitivities of you and your family. You also need to think about what your and your families life is like. If you’re extremely active, you will have different needs for a family that isn’t as active.

The best way to make sure your weight loss meal plan for men will work for you is to customise it to your needs.

weight loss meal plan for men
Photo by Cristiano Pinto on Unsplash

The best weight loss meal plans for men are the ones that change according to different factors

Having flexibility in your meal plan for weight loss will also contribute to its success or failure. For instance, someone gets the flu, and you may need to adjust your plan to increase vitamin c or immune-boosting foods to speed up recovery and protect the rest of the family. If your family is set for a hectic period, you may consider adjusting your meal plan to increase foods that will help keep everyone’s energy up.

The best weight loss meal plan is one that allows for some flexibility with the changing seasons and the ever-changing ebb and flow of family life.

Your body type

Your body type isn’t just about how your body looks. It’s genetic and, therefore, also influences how you respond to food intake, your hormonal and sympathetic nervous system (SNS) characteristics. It also impacts your body’s metabolism, which is why you should be aware of it if you are trying to lose weight and create a weight loss meal plan for men.

There are three main body types, known as somatotypes: ectomorph, mesomorph and endomorph. Like all things, everyone is unique, and you are unlikely to fit perfectly into any single body type; you may have characteristics of all of them.

Ectomorphs are naturally thin people with smaller bone structures and thinner limbs and often find it harder to build muscle mass, think an endurance athlete. Ectomorph diets are better suited to include higher carbohydrates with moderate levels of protein and lower fat intake.

Mesomorphs have a medium-sized bone structure and athletic body and can have a decent amount of lean mass if they are extremely active. You might find mesomorphs participating in sports like wrestling or gymnastics. When planning meals for a mesomorph, they will benefit from a slightly higher amount of carbs but balance it with proteins and fat when mapping out a meal plan for weight loss.

Endomorphs are the people with larger bone structures and have higher body mass and fat mass, think powerlifters or rugby players. People with this body type are more likely to be less active and therefore require fewer calories than their counterparts. When creating a meal plan for weight loss when you or a family member is an endomorph, it is best to stick to low carb but high protein and fat recipes.

The stage of life you’re in

Your body changes throughout your life, and this means the nutritional needs of your body change also. When you are younger with a higher metabolism, you can get away with eating a lot more junk than when your older and your body needs more healthy nutrients to fuel itself.

You may think it’s hard to cater to your whole family when creating your meal plan for weight loss because you are each in different life stages, but you just need to be aware of this when making the plan. If you have teenagers in the house, you need to make sure there are some high energy meals in the mix. If your children are younger, you will want to make sure they eat nutrient-rich foods to build up some store for that adolescent growth spurt.

Despite your needs changing as you go through different life stages and different family members having different needs, you need some solid foundations in all diets. Making sure you are all getting a wide range of nutrients from different sources, enough kilojoules for energy, essential fatty acids, adequate-protein, essential minerals and plenty of water daily. All these can be obtained from a varied, healthy and nutritious weight loss meal plan for men.

Your work schedule

Whether you work in an office, are a tradie, a FIFO worker or any other profession it means your time with the family is sparse, and you may rather use it for quality time with the family rather than planning your meals. But with a little bit of prep work can mean that you are freed up later to spend time with the family.

Without pushing yourself too far, you could try doing some planning at work or recruiting some of your co-workers to help encourage you to get your planning done.

There are so many delicious, healthy, family-friendly and budget-friendly recipes you can bulk cook and save on time for the future. All you need to do is block out some time on a weekend to plan, shop, prep and cook meals in bulk and have the freezer space to store them for the week or more.

Your schedule outside of work

If you’re a working dad you know that all your spare time gets occupied by the needs of your kids and family. Between sports, playdates, extracurricular activities and family obligations, your time tends to be lost before you have a chance to plan it.

This can make the idea of creating a weight loss meal plan overwhelming, but it doesn’t have to be. One of the major advantages of meal planning and prepping is that when you are time poor having pre-prepared meals available will mean you are less likely to lose motivation in your healthy eating meal plan.

You can also use something like an app or pre-prepared meal plan like The Healthy Man’s 7 Day Meal Plan to help you build a meal plan that suits your needs.

Photo by William Choquette from Pexels

Your fitness level

Along with any meal plan for weight loss, there needs to be some form of exercise regime if you plan to reach your weight loss goals. One needs the other to succeed, and both are just as important as the other.

If you aren’t someone who regularly exercises but want to start to incorporate it into your routine to help you reach your weight loss goals, it’s best to start simple.

If you haven’t exercised for a while, your body won’t be used to it, and therefore you will need to set up an exercise regime to suit this. If, on the other hand, you are a big exercise fan and just want to up the ante, you will need to opt for a different routine.

Your exercise routine should complement your meal plan for weight loss, and if you are moving more, you will need more energy to compensate, which needs to be considered with your meals. And as you get more into your weight loss journey, your fitness levels will change with you.

Your weight loss goals

When your larger goal is to lose weight, it can help to set smaller goals to help get you to the larger goal. For instance, you may want to give up sugary drinks, increase your water intake or making sure you are walking rather than driving to places you can. These smaller goals contribute to the success of the larger weight loss goal.

Benefits of weight loss meal plan: Find your healthy weight

Setting a weight loss goal means you need to know what is a healthy weight for you. Everyone’s ideal weight is different, so you need to make your weight loss goal specific.

You have probably heard of BMI when people talk about weight loss, but you aren’t sure what BMI means or what your BMI is. A BMI (Body Mass Index) is a formula used to calculate your safest weight based on your height and weight combined. This is a great tool to help guide you when setting your own weight loss goal.

Benefits of weight loss meal plan: Increased energy

You may want to create a healthy meal plan for weight loss to increase your energy to be more active with your kids. When you eat more clean, healthy, nutrient-filled foods, you will see an increase in energy as long as there are no underlying health issues.

You can use your Basal Metabolic Rate (BMR) to help guide how many calories per day is best for you. Your BMR is a calculation that guides the number of calories you need to fuel your body which can help you create a meal plan for weight loss.

weight loss meal plan for men food

Keeping food limitations in mind

When building a meal plan for weight loss, you need to consider the limitations you all have, whether they be allergies, sensitivities or just the family budget. This can make the plan a bit more complicated, but the best way to attack is to find healthy, budget-friendly recipes that can be eaten by the whole family, no matter their limitations.


According to the Australasian Society of Clinical Immunology and Allergy (ASCIA), 90% of allergy reactions are from eggs, cow’s milk, peanut, tree nuts, seafood, sesame, soy, fish and wheat. Some children outgrow their allergies, but not all do, and even if they do, you need to be conscious of the possibility of an allergy when creating a meal plan for your family.

With the rise of allergies in recent years, there has also been a rise in recipes and ingredients created, so you don’t have to worry about them. You can add many substitutes to your kitchen to use in recipes that mean you will avoid any allergy issues.

There are so many healthy, delicious and allergy-friendly recipes you can add to your meal plan for weight loss and still enjoy a treat.


You may not have any allergies to consider when creating your meal plan for weight loss but may have food sensitivities or intolerances that you need to be conscious of. The symptoms and reactions of a food sensitivity or intolerance may not be as adverse as an allergy, but to ensure optimal health, you still want to make sure they are taken into account when meal planning.

If you aren’t sure if you or a family member has a food sensitivity or intolerance, ASCIA suggests you seek the advice of your GP. You may need to go on an elimination diet to find out what is causing your symptoms. Most food sensitivities or intolerances are reactions to natural substances in foods, making them hard to remove from any meal plan, but it can be done.

When being diagnosed with a food sensitivity or intolerance, you or your family member will be told what foods you need to avoid, which you can then find alternatives when creating your weight loss meal plan.


A key limitation that many men are concerned about when they think about creating a weight loss meal plan is the family budget. Whether you have a single income or two incomes, have a mortgage or are renting, you’ll have some form of a budget on what you want to spend on food.

When you plan your meals ahead of time, you are likely to save money, especially if you also shop and prepare the meals in bulk. If you create a meal plan for weight loss and stick to it, you are less likely to buy those one-off food purchases, saving you money.

With so many things to consider finding the right meal plan for weight loss that suits you and your family can be a struggle, but it is achievable. The key is making healthy meal plans for weight loss that can change as your and your families needs do.

Grab some of The Healthy Man Meal Replacement TODAY!

meal replacement shakes

It’s the perfect low-calorie meal replacement for busy blokes wanting to boost weight loss and improve overall health. It’s full of whey and soy protein which means it’ll leave you feeling full and satisfied and keep you going till your next meal.

If you want to shift some kilo’s, look no further than The Healthy Man’s Meal Replacement!

The Healthy Man Meal Replacement Shake is available in Chocolate and Vanilla and will:-

  • Enhance fat-burning ability
  • Increase stamina
  • Improve gut health
  • Increase energy, vitality and overall health
  • Reduce beer belly
  • Increase muscle strength

You could also grab a packet of Healthy Man Super Greens Powder and add to your Healthy Man Meal Replacement or just mix it with water cause it tastes that good.

Shop more products in The Healthy Man Shop.

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