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How many beers can you drink a week without damaging your health?

We all love a nice cold beer at the end of the day but when you’re trying to get into a habit of healthy eating and even lose weight, how much does this drink have on your health.

Let’s look into how beer affects our health when trying to stay fit and healthy, the pros and cons of drinking beer and how much you should drink per week!

Photo by Meritt Thomas on Unsplash

How does beer impact your health?

The liver breaks down alcohol in your body.

When you drink alcohol, it is metabolised by the liver.  Your liver detoxifies and removes the alcohol from your blood through a process known as oxidation. Once the liver finishes this process, alcohol becomes water and carbon dioxide. If alcohol accumulates in the system, it can destroy cells and, eventually, organs. Oxidative metabolism prevents this. Drinking too much can affect our immune system and make it weak. It also has a negative impact on our heart health and can put you at risk of certain cancers.

While everything has a drawback there are also some positive outcomes for this.

According to new studies, it has shown that drinking a few beers per week may actually increase bone density.

Drinking a few light drinks per week can also be beneficial for your brain.

This can be due in part to alcohol’s effect on thinning the blood and preventing the formation of tiny blood clots in the brain. It also helps you release stress and stay calm after a hectic day, which is often why so many of us reach for a beer after a tough day.

Another study found that a few beers per week might make you less likely to develop diabetes. The study claimed that people who drank beer three to six times per week had a 21% lower risk of diabetes than people who didn’t drink beer.

Taking this information into account, how much beer can you enjoy and still stay healthy and fit? You’re probably safe if you enjoy one to six beers a week. This won’t hinder your attempts to maintain a healthy body.

You’ll probably boost your metabolism, may improve your health and may reduce your risk of clogged arteries, heart attack and cancer.

In reality, it’s all about moderation and if you’re looking to make massive changes to your health you should consult your doctor.

Try one of these beers the next time you grab a drink.

If you do overindulge here are some tips to help beat the beer gut.

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